Customer Testimonies


 I received the face soap and face cream early last month but started actively using the product 2 weeks after since I was busy with fieldwork. I was instructed to wash my face with the soap for about 15 minutes, rinse with warm water then pat dry and apply the cream. My face was rough with rashes, black spots, looked darker than the rest of my body due to the kind of work I do that keep the face exposed to all weather conditions and less time to pamper oneself.

 I regret the time I wasted because had I started using immediately the results would be better than this. Within 3 days my skin felt soft and less rough, brightened and comments from friends and family about the skin clearing and glowing within these 2 weeks is testimony enough of how effective the products are. For me the soap is more effective and I will use it continuously.


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My 4-week journey using Nile lotion has been quite good. The nature of work I do require me to spend most of my day outdoors at the mercy of different weather conditions and since it’s usually engaging. I hardly have enough time to pamper my skin. The lotion worked well for me in that it feels light on the skin, is not heavily scented so it’s masked effectively by perfume I use and since my face is of combination skin it does not look either oily or dry but balanced and glowing. I have been using the face soap as well and it has helped remove dead skin and fade dark spots too. I believe the combined use of the soap and lotion on my face has given it the balanced look and glow while lotion has kept the rest of my skin soft and glowing.



I have always had a problem of pimples on my face and have been looking for something   to help me get rid of the problem. It had really affected my self-esteem.  I had been using avocado oil mixed with coconut oil but it was not helping. The soap and the facial cream have done wonders.